Sunday, December 30, 2012

Where's my swiffer duster?

So it's been a while since I've wrote something on here mainly because I only blog when I have absolutely nothing to do or am bored out of my mind. My tendency to rapidly changing wants and needs represents my lack of consistency. That's why I can never be a body builder. According to my wants, I would like to discontinue my chain of sociological posts--for now. I'm writing this blog post during my last week of Winter break. Nothing has happened since my last blog post unless you count the repetitive stuff, and that's more reason I don't write blogs as much. Although I have noticed that most people tend to inflate minuscule scenes in their life to save them from their boring routines. Maybe a psychiatrist would recommend me to do the same to save me from depression =D. Then again, depression can strike even the once most enthusiastic (exhibit: self). Well I'm off to experiment what can treat my boredom. Note I wrote "treat" and not "cure" because no prescription can cure me of frequent boredom.